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Name: Frederick William Williams

Born: Virginia about 1745

Died: 18 May 1808, Edgefield District SC

Buried: Unknown

Married:     About 1770 to Annah Bryant
                   about 1800 to Nancy Marshall

Children:  By Annah Bryant
                    Frederick William, William, John, Richard, Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, Margaret, Jessee
                By Nancy Marshall
                    Peleriah, Sarai Ann

Census:  1790  1800

Will  (page 1, 2) written will

Constable papers:

Frederick was the son of William William and Nancy Stevens. He was born in Va around 1745. We don't know when he moved to South Carolina. The land that he lived in was Indian territory until 1777. So it is assumed that he moved there around that time. He was a constable for the Republic of South Caroline in 1784-85. At that time the US was under the Articles of Confederation. Frederick was a successful farmer in what was then Edgefield County, SC.(now the town of Leesville).  He married Annah Bryant and after her death, he married Nancy Marshall. Nancy outlived him. He died in 1808 and his burial site is not known.