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Thomas Simpson Williams on 27 Jul 1837 at the age of almost 31 leaving no will. He was living in Perry County, IL with his wife, Margery Dixon Williams, son, Chesley and daughter, Elizabeth. He had moved to Perry County in the Fall of 1827, leaving behind his pregnant wife, Alaphar Green. Alaphar bore a son, Fidelio on 10 Jan 1828. She moved to Graves County, KY and lived with her parents, Edmund Green and Elizabeth Watson Green. Alaphar filed a claim against the estate for her son. She won (see Alaphar's receipt below). Shortly after Simpson's death, Margery and children moved back to Christian County and lived with William Williams (father of Simpson). William's wife, Martha Wells Williams and children had moved to Perry County prior to Simpson's death.

Richard Williams is the younger brother of Simpson.

Thanks to Sue DeLaporte for providing these documents. Thanks to Bonnie Ward Williamson for locating them.


Description (click on description for the document) Filing date Size
Sale Bill of Estate 6 Aug 1837 1859 kb
Richard Williams appointed administrator 7 Aug 1837 714 kb
Margery Williams relinquishes rights to Richard 7 Aug 1837 1458 kb
Richard Williams appointed administrator 8 Aug 1837 822 kb
Affidavit of death 9 Aug 1837 848 kb
Inventory of the estate 13 Sep 1837 2399 kb
Receipts against the estate 5 Nov 1837 1016 kb
Inventory of estate 6 Nov 1837 687 kb
Property retained by widow 6 Nov 1837 1123 kb
Worth of estate 7 Nov 1837 715 kb
Claims on the estate 18 Dec 1837 856 kb
Wells and Williams 18 Dec 1837 603 kb
David Mead's account of the estate 19 Dec 1837 1000 kb
Miscellaneous documents 5 Aug 1838 1100 kb
Affidavit of distribution of the estate 5 Nov 1838 677 kb
Alaphar's receipt from the estate 22 Aug 1839 713 kb
Account of current heirs 6 Jan 1844 829 kb
Account of heirs 6 Jan 1845 722 kb
Guardianship documents 20 Dec 1845 952 kb
Margery Williams gets guardianship 25 Mar 1846 1156 kb